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Set up your account

Everything you need to do BEFORE you start working on your first project.

Updated over a week ago

Take a few minutes to set up your PlantMaster account. Add your logo. Add your contact information. Then, when you're ready to start sending presentations and reports - everything will be ready to go! Please follow these quick steps…

Find your account settings.

First, log into your PlantMaster account and click on your name in the top right corner to expand menu. Select “My Account".

Add your contact information.

Once you’re in “My Account”, fill out your contact info – this information is included on your reports and presentations, so make sure it’s accurate!

Key information:

  • At a minimum add your company name, phone number, and website

  • If you want to hide certain information (like your address), skip these fields
    (Anything you leave blank will not be included in your presentations/reports – except your email address)

  • Format your website like this “” – you don’t need to add the https://. This will automatically link to your website

Display a different email on your presentations (or hide altogether).

At the very bottom of Contact Information, you’ll see these two options:

  • If you want to use a specific email on your presentations/reports that is different than the email you use to login – add it here. (Consider using office@... or customerservice@... email addresses in this field if this is a company account where more than one person will be sending plant presentations)

  • If you want to hide your email altogether so it doesn’t appear on any presentation or report, slide the the box next to “Hide Email*”.
    Your email will be hidden if the button/slider is green.

Add your logo.

All presentations and reports display your logo at a larger size – so, make sure to use a high resolution, larger image (.png, .jpg, .gif formats all supported.)

No larger than 1000 px X 1000 px.

Please note: After you upload your logo, the interface may still indicate there is no file selected or show an older image you uploaded – don’t worry, your logo has been added and will show up in all presentations.

Here are two examples of how your logo will appear:

Sample cover page on presentation

Sample header (top section) of report

Once you've completed these steps, you're ready to start using PlantMaster!

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