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Project Plants
Updated over 5 months ago

Project plants is just what it sounds like - all the plants you've added to your project.

In this space you can review all the plants, add them to Areas, or remove them from the project altogether.

Let's take a closer look at the Project Plants section.

First, the Project Plants section is inside your project in the Design section of the project.

Here is what it looks like:

Across the top:

Filter By Name

You can type in the name of any plant in this search field to find it quickly. Just remember, the easiest way to find a specific plant is to type less letters!

Sort by Name

Choose if you want to view plants by Botanical name or Common name.


View the plants as thumbnail images (default), as a list (you'll see the plant name and a few key pieces of information like size and sun requirements), or details (a combination of a plant image with some key information). You can choose how you want to view your plants.

If you want to permanently change this setting, go to your Account settings and you can choose the default option.

Number + Total

This gives you the total number of plants in the project.

Toolbar on the left side:

Assign Plants to Areas

If you want to organize your plants further, you can group plants into Areas (or Zones, or Rooms). On another tab (called Areas) you can define the spaces of your design, or create collections of plants you want to share with your client. Then, back in the Project Plants section, you can select a specific Area and add all the plants you want.

For example, you can create an Area for the front yard, then select all the plants you're considering for the front yard.

For step-by-step instructions on how to create and use Areas - please read the article titled "Create and Use Areas".


You can also use all of the filters that are available from the plant search. So feel free to see what trees you've included, or double check all the yellow flowering perennials you've added, etc.

There is also a filter for Areas.

Once you've added plants to various Areas, you can use the Areas as filters! What does this mean? If you want to quickly review all the plants you've selected for the front yard, click on the filter for Front Yard from the filters and you'll see all the front yard plants. You can also use the Areas filters with the other filters. Following our example, select the Front Yard filter, then trees to see the trees for the front...

Add More Plants

Here are quick links to go back to the plant search to add more plants, view the plants you've added or edited (My Plants), or you can import more plants from a list or spreadsheet.

The Plant records in the center of the screen:

View the Plant

Click on plant to open full ePlant (plant record).
Simply click anywhere on the plant image or name (just not on any of the icons).

Circle Icon

This will Add the Plant to a specific Area.

Make sure you have the correct Area selected in the top left corner first, then click these hollow circles to assign a plant to that Area. Click the circle again to remove it.

If you don't see the circles in the top right corner it just means you don't have any Areas for this project.

Folder with Minus Symbol

This is where you can remove the plant from the project entirely. If you've entered any additional information like quantities or sizes, this information will also be removed. Once you've removed the plant from the project, you'll need to return to the plant search if you want to add it back.

Leaf with Heart Icon

If you see this symbol in the top left corner of the plant image, it just means its a MyPlant. This is so you can easily see the plants you've modified.

At the very bottom of the page:

Number of Plants Per Page

You can change the number of plants that display on each page. If you want to permanently change this setting, you can do so in your Account Settings.

Choose whether you want 20, 30, 50, or 100 plants per page.

That's all the different elements of the Project Plants section!

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