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Change the Plant Code
Updated over 5 months ago

If you want to use your own plant code you can easily change it!

You can change it for the entire ePlant. Which means every version of the plant will use this code. Or you can change it for the project you're currently working on.

In some cases, you might want to do both! You might want to use a specific code most of the time, but change it up in specific jobs.

Change the Plant Code for the entire ePlant.

To change the plant code for every instance of the plant, in all projects - you will need to locate the plant record itself.

If you are in a project looking through the plants you've added, simply click on the plant record to open up the full ePlant.

If you're not inside a project, then navigate to the plant search or the design section of the project. Then open the full ePlant.

To change the code, look to the left sidebar where all the tools are located.

Click "Edit Plant". This will open up a modal asking if you want to create your own plant record - My Plant. Click "Create MyPlant".

Next, click "Replace Everywhere" so the new plant code will be used in all instances of the plant.

Once you're in the ePlant, look for the section in the top with the title "Plant Code" and update your plant code to whatever you want to use.

For this example, we changed "AGA PAR" to "A PARRYI". Then click "Save Changes"

You've updated the plant code to your new code! Now you can go back to your project and you'll see the brand new code has already updated.

You can do this for each plant you want to modify.

Change the Plant Code for the Current Project

If you use unique plant codes for every project, or you want to make a change for just the current project (and not across the board) - you can do this by going directly into your project (instead of the plant record).

To edit the plant code inside your project, navigate to the Build Section of the project you want to work on.

In the table, you'll see the full list of plants. Simply find the plant you want to edit, and click into the cell for "Code".

When you click on it, you'll see the table will change so you can make edits. Type in your new plant code.

When you're done, simple click anywhere else on the screen to save your changes!

For this example we changed "AGA PEL" to "A PELONA".

Do this for any plant you want to revise.

Just remember these plant codes will only be used for this project, they will not be saved to the plant record, so the next time you go to use the plant, you will see the original plant code.

That's it! Two ways to update your plant code.

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